Vollständig maßgeschneiderte private Charter

Unsere maßgeschneiderten Privatcharter sind einzigartige Liveaboard-Erlebnisse, die speziell für Sie und Ihre Freunde oder Familie zusammengestellt werden. Vom Reiseziel über die Mahlzeiten bis zu den Getränken und Aktivitäten, die während der Reise organisiert werden, unser Reservierungsteam ist Ihnen gerne behilflich. Bitte geben Sie uns die folgenden Informationen als Grundlage, dann wird sich jemand innerhalb von 24 Stunden mit einer detaillierteren Liste der Dinge bei Ihnen zurückmelden. Ihre Reise wird so einzigartig wie die Menschen, mit denen Sie reisen:

* Wunschtermine
* Dauer der Tauchsafari (mindestens 5 Nächte)
* Tauchplätze und Sehenswürdigkeiten, die Sie besuchen moechten
* Anzahl der Gäste (bei Kindern bitte angeben)
* Wunschliste für Aktivitäten: Tauchen, Schnorcheln, Stand Up Paddle, Kajak, Landausflüge, Wandern, Kulturausflüge, SPA-Tage, Luxushotelnacht, Fotoshooting oder alles, was Ihnen in den Sinn kommt!

Bitte kontaktieren Sie unser Team unter info@adelaar-cruises.com oder über das untenstehende Formular für ein Angebot.

Gerne unterbreiten wir Ihnen ausführliches Angebot.
Dieses enthält den eigentlichen Charterpreis pro Nacht und die zusätzlichen Gebühren und Abgaben, abhängig vom Reiseplan, den Aktivitäten sowie den Landausflügen. Wir senden Ihnen Ihre detaillierte Offerte zu, sobald ausgearbeitet haben.

Der Preis beinhaltet:

• Schiff mit Vollbesatzung
• Deutsch sprachige PADI Kreuzfahrtdirektion
• Alle Mahlzeiten gemäß unserer Standardkarte
• Snacks, Wasser, Kaffee, Tee und alkoholfreie Getränke
• Transfer Hotel/Hafen zum und vom Boot

Der Preis beinhaltet nicht:

• Flüge
• Hafen- und Parkgebühren*
• Repositionierungsgebühren (falls zutreffend)*
• Treibstoffzuschlag*
• PADI-Kurse
• Land- und/oder kulturelle Exkursionen
• Spezifische Menü- und Getränkewünsche
• Flitterwochen-Paket
• Hotelnacht / Spa-Tag
• Wäscheservice
• Trinkgelder für die Crew (10-15% als Richtlinie)


Alle zusätzlichen Gebühren müssen im Voraus bezahlt werden, whrend der Reise anfallende Auslagen koennen an Bord bar oder mit Visa/Mastercard bezahlt werden.

Kontaktieren Sie uns

Bedingungen & Konditionen

Adelaar reserves the right to change the itinerary during a trip for any reason it deems necessary (i.e. due to sea and weather conditions, harbor closures, or in the event that the captain feels the safety of the ship and/or the guests are in jeopardy). In the unlikely event of an unexpected change of embarkation or disembarkation harbor, Adelaar will provide assistance with logistics to assure that guests are routed to the original point, but will not cover any associated costs.

Individual cabin space, as well as full boat private charters can be booked, either through your travel agent or direct with us, by email. Once we have confirmed your booking, you will be required to fill out our passenger information sheet, and send us a copy of your passport and your diving insurance. This passport copy is a mandatory requirement from the Indonesian Harbor Authorities for our harbor clearance.

A deposit of 25% per person must be paid to secure a booking. This deposit is not refundable in the event of a later cancellation.

The full balance is due 90 days prior to departure. If the reservation  is made less than 90 days prior to departure, the full payment will be due immediately.  

Any bank fee related to credit card/online payment or bank transfer, will be at the client’s/tour operator’s discretion.

All cancellations must be made by phone or e-mail to info@adelaar-cruises.com. The date that Adelaar receives the cancellation of the booking will be the date used to determine the cancellation penalty.

  • Cancellations more than 90 days before departure, there is no refund of the deposit.
  • Cancellations less than 90 days prior to departure there is no refund, and the full payment is forfeited as a cancellation penalty.

A guest who has booked into an Adelaar trip, and who wishes to cancel, has the option to substitute another person (not already scheduled on the trip) into his space to avoid the cancellation penalty. Passenger substitution will be allowed up to 5 days prior to departure.

No show

Adelaar will not refund any money to guests who fail to show for boarding on the trip departure date, whether this is due to missed airline connections or from the lack of proper paperwork required to enter the country, or any other reason. If an airline connection is missed, Adelaar will make all efforts to arrange that the guest can join the Adelaar at some point in the itinerary. However, the cost to do so (airfare, small boat transport to Adelaar, or any other cost involved) is solely the responsibility of the guest.

Trip interruption

If the guest interrupts or cuts short a trip for any reason, Adelaar is not liable to refund any money to the guest. In cases of emergency such as personal illness or accident, Adelaar will assist in all necessary arrangements for the guest’s return travel. However, the cost of this is to be borne solely by the guest.

Cancellations from Adelaar due to guest’s circumstances

Adelaar reserves the right to cancel a booking if actions on the guest’s part give justifiable cause to do so. In such instance Adelaar will not refund any payments already made. Adelaar will not be liable for any other costs the client might have in conjunction with this booking.

Cancellation due to Force Majeure & Acts of God

Adelaar does not offer any refunds in the event of Force Majeure (i.e. wars, riots, strikes, acts of terrorism, man-made epidemics) and Acts of God (i.e. natural disasters, epidemics). In the event of this happening, Adelaar will contact the guest as soon as possible to communicate re-scheduling options. No refund will be foreseen. In the event of a cancellation, Adelaar will not be held responsible for any related costs (i.e. flights, hotels, or any other such costs) the client might have in conjunction with this trip.

Please note that guests are strongly advised to have valid diving, travel and cancellation insurance.

Wir geben uns grösste Mühe, unsere Trip-Preise präzise und fair zu berechnen, auch unter Einbeziehung der stetig fluktuierenden Preise für Gas, Diesel und Benzin.

  • Wenn jedoch die Preise für Gas, Diesel und Benzin dramatisch steigen, wie dies in den letzten Monaten der Fall war, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, diese Zusatzkosten an unsere Gäste weiter zu berechnen. 
  • Wegen der gegenwärtig stark gestiegenen Kosten für Gas, Benzin und Diesel, müssen wir nun leider Zusatzkosten in Höhe von EUR 250 pro Person für unsere 11-Tage Trips berechnen, welche vor Trip-Beginn bezahlt werden müssen.

Im Falle substanzieller Preissteigerungen für Hafengebühren und wegen Währungsfluktuationen behalten wir uns das Recht vor den Trip-Preis bis zu 61 Tagen vor Trip-Beginn anzupassen.

Adelaar is not responsible for any compensation for any damage that results from illness, personal injuries or death which may be sustained while on any portion of the trip, whether this is due to the ownership, maintenance, use, operation or control of any vehicle (aircraft, automobile, bicycle, boat, or any other conveyance used in carrying out these trips).

Adelaar assumes no liability for any damage whatsoever, caused by failure or delay, irregularities, acts or omissions that have been provided by owners, operators or public carriers, even if the service was for and on behalf of Adelaar.

Adelaar shall not be held responsible for any injury to person (whether or not resulting in death) arising out of any act of war, insurrection, revolt or other civil uprising or military action occurring in the countries of origin, destination or passage.

In the case of a medical problem or injury occurring during the trip, either on board or on shore, which results in costs for medical care, evacuation or repatriation, the responsibility for payment of these costs belongs solely to the passenger.

Upon boarding all divers are required to show proof of dive certification, medical diving insurance such as DAN or equivalent and recent medical statement assuring that they are fit for diving for ongoing medical conditions (< 1 year).

All divers must complete a liability release waiver prior to diving.

Upon payment of the deposit as a diver, the client certifies that he/she does not have a mental or physical disability that would make him/her unable to safely take part in the dive program during the trip.

Upon payment of the deposit, the client also certifies that he/she has the diving experience to take part in the dive program and agrees to follow the instructions of the dive guide/instructor during the trip.

Adelaar is not responsible for any loss or damage to a guest’s personal belongings while on any portion of the trip.

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